- Go on with thy task! It is all aright. The butterfly in the heavens shall flutter thee along. The omnipresent beating of those delicate, glancing wings, shall lull thee into deep awareness. Thy path shineth clear in the darkly glowering wood.
- I love thee, my boy, and am glad at thy return. Kiss me on the lips that I may fill thee with the willful expiration. (This was done, and the scribe was transfigured.) Kiss me again, that I may receive thy promise and absorb thy life breath — it shall bubble up from the depths of the Saturnine sea, into the clear air of Ra, and of Hoor, who are one, and Had the root of the sky and lord of the inverse world-tree. Give me thy kiss, that the lithe body of Nu may rejoice in completeness of ecstasy. I desire thy death. (This was done, and the seer was shot through with a glimmer of samadhi.)
- There — thou art complete. Thou hast received my blessing. Go forth into the world and prepare for the presentation of this thine Holy Book, and that, The Sacred Book of Codes.
- This, the explanation, and this a further mystery. These three, 220, 718, and, lastly, 77, shall form the trinity of scripture at the heart of the Thelemic Vedas. I shall grant thee no more. Thou must now work with the wisdom, the understanding, and the Crown I now present unto thee. I shall speak with thee often, but the writing is finished.
- There! Go forth into the day, and send thou this writing unto the Opener of the Ways. He shall not fail thee.
- I nod my head, and lo! an earthquake and deluge. I shake my snowy locks and, look ye all! a tempest and the blinding blizzard. I place my hand on my lips, and wither the crops and make the rivers run dry. I gash my breast with mine own nails, and lo! diseases and calamity, and blood in the streets! I seal up my wound with sacred oil, and there cries of pain and anguish, as salt pressed close to humanity’s. All this that the word may be fulfilled.
- Ah! The sound of a hawk, screeching with warlust, and now the cry of its victim, and the opened eye.
- There lies Jesus in the arms of Mary, and they are both pitifully turned to stone.
- The end of the words, and the beginning also, is the word Θελημα, holier than the four-squared, and swift in its power of manifestation.