- Know that the ordeals shall differ from chela to chela, and the Master shall know which will serve best. The gross must pass through fire, and it shall be to him as silver. This is the first door and its letter is X. The fine shall be tried in intellect, and it shall be to him as gold. This is the second door and its letter is R. The lofty ones shall be chosen in the highest, and it shall be to them as mercury. This is the third door and its letter is B. The one in three shall be to the Beast as the ultimate sparks of his own Daemon; he shall come to full knowledge of Godhood. He shall transcend the Three in order to become the One. He shall transcend the One to become the None. This is the fourth door, and its letter is A. Know that the Word of the ordeals is ABRAX, as it is hidden in the Book of the Law.
- Let the Beast be honoured throughout the Nation! Let his woman, called the Scarlet Woman, be given pre-eminence over all females. Let none go without love. Let all be fulfilled by a touch of the Wand of our Law!
- So writeth Ahathoor in her orgy with the snake of the Beast. Yea! Watch him rise and snap at her face, with all the lust of venom in his Tooth! She shrinketh not from the python of light.
- Suck! Fair Woman! Take the head in thy mouth! Suck the lifeblood out of the very coiling, writhing folds of hissing, hacking brilliance.
- Ah! The kiss is sweeter than Hell! Lustier than the crow of a cock! Astarte! Baal! Omphallos! Pythia! Oh, I am proud to be chosen by one so lovely as thee!
- I am the Master. I am the holy chosen one. I am the author and I am the scribe. Come! ye dogs! to laugh at my words! Come all ye Din so that I may spit on ye in the ecstasy of my dissolution! I hate thee with an hate as voluptuous as brightest love. I love thee so that I would kill thee with but a bat of my eyelid. What? Is the word not exhausted?
Thus the inspiration
of the House of God
Thus do I sing
the praise of my Lord
Thus doth the Lord
sing the glory of Man
For the Angels of Earth
are the Satyrs of Pan