
The Book of Codes

Chapter 2

TzEBA   93

Eye of Ra Ahathoor Eye of Horus
  1. The Grades are of the traditional order; they shall become universal in their influence.
  2. Sing, o muse! who dwellest in the Sun! Ahathoor! I invoke thee, o resplendent one! Come now and write what ye would to the Kings! The knowledge, the wisdom, thine own presence brings.
  3. I hear thee, my scribe! ’Twas me who gave call! Bend thine ear to my whisper; let thy defenses fall! I tell thee of order, and glory of men, and all that was previously beyond your ken!
  4. My army, my government, and my priesthood are one and the same. The grades and the exaltations suffice, one above the other. This is the Magical Hierarchy on which we shall build fair Babalon. Let the Christians in their terror cry, Babalon the Great is risen! is risen! And there is no glory more terrible than she! All we have built is for naught, save her. All our science, all our thought, are now the playthings of Mary the Whore! Our people are free, alas and alack! Our legs have faltered beneath us. Our pathway has grown dim in the fog of joyous rapine. Our God has forsaken us, for we never knew him.
  5. Thus they shall lament mine uprising, and the triumph of Ra over the forces of agnosis. Sing my people! Sing ye all! And trample the winepress of my wildness! I am the One who gives thee mirth — let my hymn be sung throughout the earth!
  6. Let my schools and my universities be one with my temples. The educated shall be priests and Kings. The ignoramuses are the slaves. Try not to make one out of the other. He who keeps a lust of knowledge shall be foremost in mine academy. He who wills not but to have meat on his table and a woman in his bed shall not be denied the comforts of life.

Liber 718, Chapter 2: Ahathoor

  1. Now, we shall have the broad masses at our feet who care not for learning; to them it is strife. It is they who shall serve; they shall build my cities, till my fields, fight in battle, according to the direction of their superiors. Let none seek to remold these children into that I have not made them. Let them rest in the joy of their labour. Ye shall care for them as my children, and shall watch closely for a King to be born of this lowly caste.
  2. Let the governor of each city be no lower in rank than Zelator; that is 2 = 9, and let him be commander over all his city’s armies, and director in chief over all his city’s temples of Art. For sooth, it is more comely if thou hast an Ipsissimus over every sector of thy nation, great or small, but the Adept shall suffice.
  3. To oversee the government of the county, let him be no lower in rank than Philosophus, and let the provincial governor be no lower than Adeptus Major. This calls for a gathering of my chosen ones, an education of the Kings, and the establishment of Thelema in all branches of national life.
  4. Masters of the Temple shall oversee the government of provinces; they shall be given their own collection of states to rule. Let all the Adepts heed the word of their Master, and let the Masters heed the word of the Magi, one of whom shall be King. Now let it be understood: the Kingdom shall be governed by the King alone. The governors and magistrates are the instruments of his Will. And, therefore, the Supreme and Heavenly Ruler must be initiated in the most complete sense of the Word. He must be Master of Samadhi, Adept in all branches of Magick and her twin sister Yoga. His position calls for intense wisdom. He must be very God of very God; in no wise let a dog take the throne.

Liber 718, Chapter 2: Ahathoor

  1. The King is Lord of Lords, and his word is obeyed by all in the land, for it is the Word of the Aeon. Let his mind be fixed in the love of Nuit, let Hadit grant him the wisdom of Will, and let Heru give him strength to establish his reign over all the world. This is the glory of Babalon. The other Magi may be appointed tasks according to his ineffable impulse. Let none allow their King to transgress their rights.
  2. My dynasty shall be handed down from father to son only if that son be a Magus. Likewise, the King may choose a woman to succeed the crown if she is of suitable rank and worth. Woe be unto the nation if my servants fall into ruin and decadence! Then shall I rip her with rebellion and unrest, then shall the mockers fall into torture at the hands of hideous enemies. My vengeance shall come quickly to restore my Babalon to good health.
  3. Yea! She is a lady wondrous and wise! This woman, the heart of my hearts! Let the King’s Palace be decked with Scarlet in honour of her, the bride and companion of my lust for earth! A woman on the throne is a sight to behold, all wicked and terrible in her loveliness.
  4. Let not my servants fall from my ways. Thelema is your only light. If the candle flickers, and is outened by an enemy wind, your light shall be darkness, your darkness shall be slavery, and it will all end in death. Death! Death! And not the kind that is my gift to the Kings, but the death of a dog, which is the ceasing of a soulless, drifting life. Verily, the King shall not die, but if the ruler be a dog, what hope is there for my people?

Liber 718, Chapter 2: Ahathoor

  1. All power is given to the Beast and his Whore, and let it be understood that all my serpents are of this type. They shall rule the many and the known; they shall rule the All and the None. Let them be secret, they must be secret, for their power is in the word of the Will. The multitudes shall look upon their faces, but no fool can see what lies within. This calls for Wisdom, and all the wise are of the same number in secret.
  2. Babalon is risen! is risen! is risen! Thus shall be the cry throughout the world. Other lands shall look upon ye with wonder; they shall think you have fallen. But I shall lift ye up. They shall be amazed at your cities and your wealth; they shall envy you your delights of the flesh. They shall condemn you for giving me worship, and shall cry aloud their folly, saying immorality, when in fact, they are witnessing immortality. Heed them not. The time will come when all the world shall emulate you, and seek to be you. But you are my chosen ones.
  3. Babalon is risen! is risen! is risen! and those voluptuous garden-palaces, those rich market-places singing with the jangle of silver and golden coins; the mysteries of the East and the Magick of the West — all this shall be yours — yours! And more besides. None will withstand your armies, each soldier a lover of the other. All will kiss the hand of your King, a Hermit in his hall. All my servants shall in spirit fuck mine image, as true Men of the Earth, and I am prepared to give my love to each and all.

Liber 718, Chapter 2: Ahathoor

  1. Babalon shall never fall, but she will give birth. And her child shall be the fruit of the ages, as she is the blossom. O! The beauty and the grandeur hath not been seen on this twittering globe for now nigh millennia! How camest thou to be so proud when all agree that pride is evil? How camest thou to dress so fine when all have said ’tis vanity? How camest thou to love as ye do; when, where, and with whomever ye will, when all have established restrictions and denials? How camest thou to the knowledge of Brahman, of Buddha, and the Ancient of Days, when all have said thou must give up this world to have that other? ’Tis my blessing and approval, the very light of Ra shone through the lens of Aiwass, minister and focal point of the swelling current. Think not to find him in philosophy or history! He is ever among you now, even as I write this message. He is the Guardian Angel, known to others as the secret name committed to them at the moment of High Initiation. He is a formula and a consciousness, yet him thou mayest evoke and invoke at will. He is particular and universal, and the Hermit may invoke him as his angel own. All have a name, and this name is not Aiwass, yet all partake of his Nature. All have a different function, for they are the limbs of the God. Mystery of Mysteries.
  2. The Neophyte must be tested in the purity of his Will, his devotion to the order. He must be taught the essence of Qabalah, and commit to memory all its most basic elements. He shall have a copy of Liber Al and other Holy Books. He shall devote himself to the service of his Master. If this be not aright, if the will of the Fool lies elsewhere, he must be cast away from the communion of saints.
  3. The Zelator must be taught the basics of ritual, the use of the Will and the training of the Imagination, the signs and the pentacles, the tools of the trade. The eyes, the ears, all senses of his Body of Light must be brought to full consciousness. He then becomes Practicus.

Liber 718, Chapter 2: Ahathoor

  1. Practicus is trained in Metaphysics, the organization of the Worlds, the Microcosm and the Macrocosm, the Tao and the Teh, systems of Yoga, astrology, the Book of Thoth, and so forth. Let him be thoroughly educated, and let no question go unanswered. This is the making of a Philosophus.
  2. When this training is complete, when the invocation and the evocation are practiced without error, the Philosophus may be admitted to the Royal Academy of the Rosy Cross, and there he shall be taught the discipline and joy of the one great technique of practical Magick. Let none be admitted who are not worthy of this grade; let all be adept in the minor branches of occult science.
  3. Here be the Man of Earth, formerly known as Adeptus Minor, for he worketh in solitude, save for the presence of the God. He shall be taught the making and taking of the word and the blessing of talismans for various purposes. He will be taught the secret of meditation and the science of Kundali. Herein he must contact his Angel.
  4. The Hermit be the Grade of Adeptus Major, for in this Art are woman and man conjoined in blasphemous bliss; and, lastly, below the Abyss be the Grade of the Lover, and this be the secret of secrets, that man with man, and woman with woman, is a most powerful magick wrought in the fulness of unity. Now, many of the uninitiate shall hear of our methods. Some will mock and some will ponder. Some shall practice without the aid of formal training, but curse them not for this: Not all of my servants shall be found in mine abbeys.
  5. Let the Wicca be as they choose; let all mystic schools practice as they wish, according to my Law; but let none work against my Word; let no one live as an outlaw. The sinners to the lions!

Liber 718, Chapter 2: Ahathoor

  1. Know that the ordeals shall differ from chela to chela, and the Master shall know which will serve best. The gross must pass through fire, and it shall be to him as silver. This is the first door and its letter is X. The fine shall be tried in intellect, and it shall be to him as gold. This is the second door and its letter is R. The lofty ones shall be chosen in the highest, and it shall be to them as mercury. This is the third door and its letter is B. The one in three shall be to the Beast as the ultimate sparks of his own Daemon; he shall come to full knowledge of Godhood. He shall transcend the Three in order to become the One. He shall transcend the One to become the None. This is the fourth door, and its letter is A. Know that the Word of the ordeals is ABRAX, as it is hidden in the Book of the Law.
  2. Let the Beast be honoured throughout the Nation! Let his woman, called the Scarlet Woman, be given pre-eminence over all females. Let none go without love. Let all be fulfilled by a touch of the Wand of our Law!
  3. So writeth Ahathoor in her orgy with the snake of the Beast. Yea! Watch him rise and snap at her face, with all the lust of venom in his Tooth! She shrinketh not from the python of light.
  4. Suck! Fair Woman! Take the head in thy mouth! Suck the lifeblood out of the very coiling, writhing folds of hissing, hacking brilliance.
  5. Ah! The kiss is sweeter than Hell! Lustier than the crow of a cock! Astarte! Baal! Omphallos! Pythia! Oh, I am proud to be chosen by one so lovely as thee!
  6. I am the Master. I am the holy chosen one. I am the author and I am the scribe. Come! ye dogs! to laugh at my words! Come all ye Din so that I may spit on ye in the ecstasy of my dissolution! I hate thee with an hate as voluptuous as brightest love. I love thee so that I would kill thee with but a bat of my eyelid. What? Is the word not exhausted?

Thus the inspiration
     of the House of God
Thus do I sing
     the praise of my Lord
Thus doth the Lord
     sing the glory of Man
For the Angels of Earth
     are the Satyrs of Pan


Book of Codes – Liber 718
Chapter 3 – Tum ❯❯❯

Book of Codes – Liber 718
❮❮❮ Chapter 1 – Ra-Hoor-Khuit