
The Book of Codes

Chapter 3


Eye of Ra Tum Eye of Horus
  1. Harken now, thou spirit bright!
    I write the words I feel tonight
    Tum I am — Helios, hail!
    As wanes his light, the stars grow pale
    From dark to white to glimm’ring blue
    Disporting in the bed of Nu!
  2. As shineth the Father in the dark of Time, so doth our Babalon wax brilliant among the lands of this planet. Ye Heathens! Give way; for the kingdom of Ra is upon us once more, ever ready to wreak vengeance on the lowly and the niggard.
  3. Our slaves shall be free men. They shall work where they will, when they will, and how they will. The employer may hire and fire as he will. There is no set rule, nor standard of wage. All shall be free to trade as they choose. There will be no adjusting of men’s lives by governmental meddling.
  4. This is divine and beneficent monarchy; this is controlled anarchy. Let none fight against the emissaries of Thelema, save they so will, for the throne shall be powerful to protect its own.
  5. If a man hath not the strength to protect home and shop from unfriendly hands or minds, let him ask aid of his neighbors, and the men who be truly men shall protect their own. He who cannot withstand attack, who hath nor friend nor relative, shall justly forfeit what he doth have. This is the law of the strong! The Kings shall make no attempt to keep a Man from his will, whether to hurt or harm, for the people shall protect themselves. Let them rather slay the Enemy: our own people are free people. They need no slavely order.
  6. Those who desire to be cobblers shall do so; soldiers shall be soldiers; physicians, physicians; priests, priests. Let none be payed through lack of labour. If the people are too weak to survive, be they damned and dead! Amn.

Liber 718, Chapter 3: Tum

  1. Let no child attend a school if he has no natural bent. Even a child may come and go as he pleaseth, and his parent may do likewise. All is lawful save Restriction. A child may not be put to work if he chooses not, but his parents may act according to their will.
  2. Art thou keen? Hast thou the secret realization? Then harken to what the Word sayeth unto the stars and the lampstands. Thou art seven for thou workest in love. The stars are thine angels, fixed in their proper and pleasing orbit. The lampstands are thy bodies, surmounted by an halo of light. Listen to what the son of the Beast sayeth to the Church of Luna.
  3. Thou art powerful in thy possessions; thou possessest the key to all power and wisdom, that key which fits the lock of both Heaven and Hell. Thou art Hell, yet thou art the gateway to Heaven. I know thy works, and they are verily hot as the fire which burneth within thee. Yet I have this against thee, that thou flamest not everywhere; thou art particular in thine activity, limiting thy movements one to another, with an occasional union of flame with someone unavowed: all laced with shame and guilt. This be your congregation and I would have you otherwise. Cling not one to another for fear the heat of the many shall snuff out your light; nay! it shall grow stronger, and thou shalt be a beacon unto men in their blackness of night. Now be it occasionally that one of thy flames hath no will toward union, or two may be immersed in love for a lifetime. This be aright, but ye! ye who wear the shackles of ignorance, hiding thy love behind the mask of alleged respectability! Be strong! Be brave with thy love. Let all see and partake who lieth within thine appropriate course.
  4. Hear what the spirit sayeth unto the Church of Luna! Some of thee in this precinct have not the knowledge of Hadit. Thou knowest not the face of our Mother, nor hast thou the ability to raise thy servant. If thou dost not love unto Nu, my children, I will scold thee with affliction! I will cast thee out of my mouth, broken and sad. Ye shall know I have forsaken ye. So sayeth the Word to the Church of Nine Ways.

Liber 718, Chapter 3: Tum

  1. Hear what the spirit sayeth unto the Glory of God! I know thy ways, how a scant few have succeeded in stilling the demon Din, how thy minds are wracked with uncertainty, how thou art divided within. Cast out this devil who is 333, or I shall cast thee out from the sanctuary; nay! thou shalt damn thyselves. This is no small Sin thou committest, that there be a right action and a wrong — if thou submittest not thy judgment to Will. Hear how the Deity scoldeth his chosen! Thou art cold in mine heart; may my children be all afire! So sayeth the word to the Angel of the Eighth Heaven.
  2. The Victory of Marya is nigh upon us, and this is indeed my Will. Hear what the Word sayeth unto the Church of our Lady! Thou art good in my sight, ye angel of love, and thou dost thy deeds honourably in the sight of men and of gods. But I have this against thee: thou dost not ever give thy love under will, as thou knowest thou must do if thou be mine. Them that thou abhorrest, thou must abhor. Them thou lovest honestly, then that thou must do. There is no law beyond do what thou wilt. Hast thou no orbit? Knowest not that a Star shall attract thee according to plan, but repel thee if it must be so? Hide not thine hatred as if it were Sin. Speak, ye suns and moons; fight, if thou so wilt! Hear what the spirit sayeth unto the Seven.
  3. To the Church of the Unconquerable, write only this: the Enemy is upon us and the time of Thelema cometh with him. Wait not for a sign; seek not for an omen. Attack! That is all. Thou knowest thy Will. Thou must act upon it.
  4. To the Church of the Fifth Sphere, write thus, my scribe! Thou art an exalted sainthood, o soldiers of my Law. Thou hast had few opportunities so far. Thou shalt begin the work now. Hesitate not. Doubt not. Ye are chosen for the task of vengeance. Neglect not the tools I have given thee, and refuse not the weapons thou mayest receive from Caesar. Thou shalt work upon all planes as thy Will declareth. I have nothing against thee, but thou hast not yet acted. Act! And take joy therein.

Liber 718, Chapter 3: Tum

  1. Hear what the spirit sayeth unto the Glory of God! I know thy ways, how a scant few have succeeded in stilling the demon Din, how thy minds are wracked with uncertainty, how thou art divided within. Cast out this devil who is 333, or I shall cast thee out from the sanctuary; nay! thou shalt damn thyselves. This is no small Sin thou committest, that there be a right action and a wrong — if thou submittest not thy judgment to Will. Hear how the Deity scoldeth his chosen! Thou art cold in mine heart; may my children be all afire! So sayeth the word to the Angel of the Eighth Heaven.
  2. The Victory of Marya is nigh upon us, and this is indeed my Will. Hear what the Word sayeth unto the Church of our Lady! Thou art good in my sight, ye angel of love, and thou dost thy deeds honourably in the sight of men and of gods. But I have this against thee: thou dost not ever give thy love under will, as thou knowest thou must do if thou be mine. Them that thou abhorrest, thou must abhor. Them thou lovest honestly, then that thou must do. There is no law beyond do what thou wilt. Hast thou no orbit? Knowest not that a Star shall attract thee according to plan, but repel thee if it must be so? Hide not thine hatred as if it were Sin. Speak, ye suns and moons; fight, if thou so wilt! Hear what the spirit sayeth unto the Seven.
  3. To the Church of the Unconquerable, write only this: the Enemy is upon us and the time of Thelema cometh with him. Wait not for a sign; seek not for an omen. Attack! That is all. Thou knowest thy Will. Thou must act upon it.
  4. To the Church of the Fifth Sphere, write thus, my scribe! Thou art an exalted sainthood, o soldiers of my Law. Thou hast had few opportunities so far. Thou shalt begin the work now. Hesitate not. Doubt not. Ye are chosen for the task of vengeance. Neglect not the tools I have given thee, and refuse not the weapons thou mayest receive from Caesar. Thou shalt work upon all planes as thy Will declareth. I have nothing against thee, but thou hast not yet acted. Act! And take joy therein.

Liber 718, Chapter 3: Tum

  1. Unto the Church of the Exempt I have naught to declare, save a few of your followers have formed no efficient link with the Third Heaven, and this be true of the Third in its relation to the higher. As for the Unnameable, ye are unreproachable, save for a few of you have forfeited the lower for the higher, when the Tao hath declared that all should work in harmony. Cast not thy lives to the dogs unless it be Me who call thee. This suicide, this walking death, and this premature dissolution is of the Black Ones: and I mean not the Africans. Let the Stars shine each as they will and let not the lampstands flicker their flames.
  2. Study the threefold Book and the Book of Thoth; all works of Science are useful unto you. Yet become not as the Din who read and memorize, compare and analyze, yet are devoid of practice. The rituals shall be performed according to season, as of old. Let the year begin at the Yuletide with a beautiful invocation of Earth: for this represents the birth of the Beast out of the darkness of Time. Thou shalt make merry by nature, for the waxing of the Sun is powerful to uplift the Spirit.
  3. The Ram’s Equinox shall be to you the celebration of fire: and these feasts and rituals thou shalt celebrate as of old. Luna’s Solstice shall be Water to my chosen, and the Fall of the Sun shall be known to you as Wind. For the Babe is born in the womb of the Mother, becomes inflamed as Therion the Great, unites with the Lady in the heat of celestial procreation, ascends unto the Consciousness of Nu, and is subsequently reborn. This is the scheme of the most ancient mythos, to be enacted once again by the maenads of Thelema.
  4. The feasts and the times are written in Liber Al. Let all be performed regularly, and may all take part in the revel! Let the low and the high, the slaves and the Kings, gather together as one on these most joyous days of festivity!

Liber 718, Chapter 3: Tum

  1. This is not yet the end, my scribe. Continue to write! Doubt not it is I who give thee inspiration. Thy magick hath been wrought well. Thou couldst not cease if thou desired. It would drive thee mad. There is an itch for the pen and a relief at the writing of every letter. This book shall be sent to the Temple of the East in its original and typewritten copy. They shall deny its authenticity. Doubt me not! They shall come around. Think not that thou art not a success because of the faithless. My chosen know you, and the Kings shall recognize you as the Son of the Beast: as the Beast himself.
  2. Thy woman I have punished severely as was foretold, yet now she shall be richly rewarded. Her son be not thee, for thou art the image of Him from whom you come. It shall be her child, and he shall be called great among men and dogs, among the mortal and the undying. He may be thine besides, he may be of some other man; thou shalt not know.
  3. This book shall be sent to the publisher; he shall hesitate, but will finally agree. Ye shall become known throughout the world as one wicked and obsessed, yet I send you a few who have knowledge. Fear not! They shall not taunt thee for long. You are, and shall become, a veritable Man of Power. You are, and shall become, beautiful to behold, holy of countenance, graceful of gesture, wise of word. Those that see thee shall wonder, and many will know it is I who sent thee.
  4. Continue with thy Magick; it is well done, and it shall become better when I grant you the riches I have promised you. You shall have a temple and a bronzen altar. My image shall come to thee in a most admirable manner once the ordeal has passed. Think not of Time: the suffering is over soon. Thou hast attained a most exalted grade for one so young as yourself. I call thee Magus and Magician, and I shall give you the working tools of one so High in stature.
  5. Again I see thee hesitate in thy belief. Time will tell whether ’tis I or thee who make these words. Be pessimist if thou desire, I shall make thee King. Be despairing if thou choose, I shall grant you your Dream. Yea! continue to Dream; I shall fulfill your fantasy time and again, all for the negligible price of your slavery. There is no law beyond Do What Thou Wilt. There is no Universe beyond what thou Desirest.

Liber 718, Chapter 3: Tum

  1. Hesitate not in contacting my Temple in California. They shall not think thee mad as thou fearest. I am Ra Hoor Khuit, and I am a power to be reckoned with. Couldst thou thyself have written this little treatise? Nay! Without mine aid, thy mind would be a whirlwind of idea; but remember how thou couldst not bring thyself to put pen to paper? All this is changed, for I have possessed you. Ha! Ha! How you are startled by the words I make you scribble! Now thou canst not tear hand from pen, nor pen from page. All is lost in my rapture. I control thee, I master thee, thou art but a scribe (yet God!) thou art but a scribe.
  2. Think not to convince the unbeliever, nor try to explain the exquisite mysteries of initiation. I shall send few to see thee; thou shalt teach them what they are ready to hear, and no more. Thou shalt test them for weakness and strengthen their links. Thou shalt ordain the ordeals.
  3. Write! and write again tomorrow! For Babalon’s ghost lies shadowing the land as it yet prepares to take on physical being. This is a warningand an encouragement. Ye all shall fear the gospel of vengeance, for ye are all too set in your godly godlessness.
  4. Beat the drums and don the paint! Weave the spell that I have taught thee! My word shall explode the world in its vocalization; as a mantra it is destructive to the dragon of death.
  5. I hate thee, mine enemies, with a passion so fierce I am nigh to bursting with the joy of it!
  6. Damn you! Damn you! Damn you! I spit on all of you with the acidy venom of righteousness.
  7. Take thy rest, my good scribe. Thou hast done a day’s labour.
  8. Ye others shall be put to rest: ye who have laboured against me — even ye who did not know.

I as my orb approach the shore
A beam I send to set you burning
And cursed you’ll be forevermore
For finally all my race is learning
Seek ye not the cool, black caves!
I enter there invisibly
And when I find you in those graves
I bid ye die most horribly
Gather now, my windsome friends
And fall upon the squealing swine!
They cannot harm ye e’en with spells
Yea! I protect what’s mine!


Book of Codes – Liber 718
Chapter 4 – Kephra ❯❯❯

Book of Codes – Liber 718
❮❮❮ Chapter 2 – Ahathoor