- Hesitate not in contacting my Temple in California. They shall not think thee mad as thou fearest. I am Ra Hoor Khuit, and I am a power to be reckoned with. Couldst thou thyself have written this little treatise? Nay! Without mine aid, thy mind would be a whirlwind of idea; but remember how thou couldst not bring thyself to put pen to paper? All this is changed, for I have possessed you. Ha! Ha! How you are startled by the words I make you scribble! Now thou canst not tear hand from pen, nor pen from page. All is lost in my rapture. I control thee, I master thee, thou art but a scribe (yet God!) thou art but a scribe.
- Think not to convince the unbeliever, nor try to explain the exquisite mysteries of initiation. I shall send few to see thee; thou shalt teach them what they are ready to hear, and no more. Thou shalt test them for weakness and strengthen their links. Thou shalt ordain the ordeals.
- Write! and write again tomorrow! For Babalon’s ghost lies shadowing the land as it yet prepares to take on physical being. This is a warningand an encouragement. Ye all shall fear the gospel of vengeance, for ye are all too set in your godly godlessness.
- Beat the drums and don the paint! Weave the spell that I have taught thee! My word shall explode the world in its vocalization; as a mantra it is destructive to the dragon of death.
- I hate thee, mine enemies, with a passion so fierce I am nigh to bursting with the joy of it!
- Damn you! Damn you! Damn you! I spit on all of you with the acidy venom of righteousness.
- Take thy rest, my good scribe. Thou hast done a day’s labour.
- Ye others shall be put to rest: ye who have laboured against me — even ye who did not know.
I as my orb approach the shore
A beam I send to set you burning
And cursed you’ll be forevermore
For finally all my race is learning
Seek ye not the cool, black caves!
I enter there invisibly
And when I find you in those graves
I bid ye die most horribly
Gather now, my windsome friends
And fall upon the squealing swine!
They cannot harm ye e’en with spells
Yea! I protect what’s mine!