- Heed me well! My Chapter is no longer a mystery! This is the secret of my worship, as with all gods: that the presence of my ka within the priests and priestesses utterly transforms the grosser universe about them.
- Think of me as the heart, the soul of the cosmos. This god here is my right arm; this goddess here is my mouth; all deities are real; all may be invoked, for they are simply myself in my many aspects.
- The duties of the Kings, the order and functions of the government, the freedom of the slaves, all this shall be pronounced in subsequent Chapters.
- Come now, o scribe, and take thy rest. I shall summon thee at the appropriate time.
O, ye fools! Your time is nigh at hand!
Let my word be spread throughout the land!
As wildfire I shall rip and roar
As eagles shall my servants soar!
Come now! Come now! All ye Kings
Heed the word of the God who sings!