
The Book of Codes

Chapter 1

JIHA’AD   31

Eye of Ra Ra-Hoor-Khuit Eye of Horus
  1. Ra! The host of heaven makes glorious war on the heathen outlaws. The West shall fall, and the phoenix of the Royal Star shall rise above the rubble of avidya. Can you see it? The Kings shall reign once again. Heaven’s dynasty shall prevail. This is prophecy. Write then, muse! I am your chosen scribe. This is the time to tell of the destruction to follow.
  2. The words I write are pure and true. They are powerful to destroy the unchaste. What is it I write? I speak of the Jihad, when the Angels of God shall take up arms and make war on the saints. Farewell to Christ and his Bride! We are of the Beast and his Whore. Christ is only holy inasmuch as he is bestial. The Goddess Mary was served by temple prostitutes. This is the time of Vengeance.
  3. Who am I, and why should I be believed? I am Ra Hoor Khuit, speaking through this able scribe. This is what I desire of ye all, my chosen: I bid you to wait no longer; suffer no more! The eighties are upon us! ’Tis the time for War. I have committed to you the secrets of my magick. No army of mine can be defeated, no matter how small we are in comparison to the Enemy. You have my beetles: they shall not fail you. You have the fire and blood, the swords and the spears, and my own Cakes of Light. Verily, it is written that all power is given thee.

Liber 718, Chapter 1: Ra-Hoor-Khuit

  1. Write unto the Kings, o blesséd priest! I shall not abandon thee. Thou knowest not what thou writest; it is only the impulse thou obeyest. If these words were thine own they would be folly, but they are the God’s own, by dint of my presence within thine own temple. Look! I descend upon thee in the glory of my beauty. Thou feelest me indeed, yet those who are with thee see nothing. They shall call thee fool and madman. Fear not. All my servants are fools and madmen.
  2. Correct me not! Change not these words I give thee. This is mine own message, certainly not thine. Ha! You are a fool with your none, none, none! Canst thou not see my mother is invisible? She cannot be imagined, and in no wise drawn, save in symbol. How come thou insistest on thinking of the None? By necessity we may not speak of the Lady, yet it is Sin to dwell upon her in thought. Come now, shake thine head clear. Write unto the Kings of America! Most especially, we shall see the revolution here, for this Babalon shall be mistress of the world. Doubt it not. When my temple is raised over the ruins of the Bride of Christ, Babalon shall reign for a time and a season. I write not of Hrumachis save that he is goat-headed. The Osirian heresy shall not return unto this earth for as long as my memory can pierce the future, and I am immortal, yet of a smaller infinity than Nu!
  3. Come, all ye warriors! and be dressed as ye will; no two of my soldiers shall be alike, yet ye shall all wear the star with the circle of red, and this shall be how ye shall recognize each another. Yet thy beauty, thy pride and strength, shall make all of ye shine among lesser men as the stars thou art. (Retain the “thee”s and the “ye”s as I have given them; there is meaning in the words and the phrases that thou understandest not.)

Liber 718, Chapter 1: Ra-Hoor-Khuit

  1. Now, no man shall fight if he hath not the will, and no woman shall be denied the glory of battle if she preferreth to give me worship. The ranks and the commanders shall fall to naturally, yet be it ever remembered that no man must by duty obey the word of another if it means he break his will. I forbid dissension in the ranks! If one disagreeth with his officer, let him leave and find another. There is nothing that can unite the divided but love. And if one of my soldiers finds that he must, he may leave my service without shame. Verily it is better to have no worshippers than to be lauded by all against their will. My servants shall be Kings. My slaves shall be free men.
  2. And thou must be strong in order to conquer! Thou shalt exercise as thou wilt; thou shalt perform my Mass every Sunday; the priestesses shall donate their water; the Moon shall conceive and bear a child of strength, wisdom, and beauty. This child shall be eaten only if red, the white is of the others. This must be followed by the sacrifice of cattle as in the ritual of Mithras and the Magna Mater. This is also the means of initiation, as the blood falling on my neophytes shall replenish and teach. The Cakes may be softened down with this consecrated substance, and afterwards a feast shall ensue. This is the Magick to be done on the day of Ra, and all initiates of the Rosy Cross shall partake in the making and the taking of my body. Know that Hadit is Hermes, and the Christ’s true number is 888.
  3. For the remaining days, the Magick of the mating of Nuit and Hadit shall prevail, and the eclipse shall only occur on my day. Know also that the priest becomes priestess and his gluten is potent to strengthen my soldiers. Think not that this magick, which is 11, is degrading to the man who is truly Man. The Man and the Man remain men; the priestess gives of her being. I say not that this Magick is superior to the other, yet it is most ecstatic.

Liber 718, Chapter 1: Ra-Hoor-Khuit

  1. And how shalt thou recognize mine enemies? ’Tis most simple to do. Those who bleat their nonsense against my Law shall be thy targets; those that attack thee physically I need not describe. But remember this also: those that resist my law on other planes than the physical are most potent to hurt thee if thou slayest them not. By this I mean the Christians, and those who claim to be initiated and to know of occult science, yet remain in separation from That we knowest of but cannot put into words. This they make their God, yet he is a false god; for while I am none other than the inmost Will of Man, this god is made to be completely other than Man, and therefore devoid of reality. Man is God; this God is not Man; therefore, this God is no God but a phantom, a ghost, to scare the world during the sleep of ignorance. Know then that Christians and all other Christly religions are evil in the conventional sense of the Word, and thou shalt make my vengeance known.
  2. Thou shalt fight in the temple and fight in the field, and wherever thou goest thy cry shall be Thelema and the secret fourfold Word. (My scribe has described “Tzedeq” as this word, and while he speaks Truth, his discovery is hardly as important as he may have claimed; certainly it serves to establish him as my son.) Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. DOUBT IT NOT! My order shall prevail. The Temple of the East shall rise to power and the Kings of the Earth shall be Gods incarnate.
  3. My armies shall be well-equipped with modern machines of the magical kind, and the other, for this battle is not only of the physical order, yet that must not be ignored. Think well on what I have written, o scribe, and fail not to spread this Book of the Codes of my State. Yea! This is the fountainhead, the source of my national order, second only in importance to Liber Al. My Babalon shall be Queen of the Earth. Her merchants shall wax wealthy, her philosophers shall grow wise, her fighting men shall be undefeatable and indefatigable, her slaves shall be joyous in their labour, her Kings shall be rapturous in their Power. Know now that there must be one King, and he must be truly King: in Spirit, Mind, and Body, and he shall rule for as long as the God alloweth. Enough of this petty shifting of powerless power from one dull clod to another! Babalon’s lover shall be pure in his realization; he shall rule my land as myself incarnate. His word shall be obeyed as the word of the God, and this can only be well if he is indeed absorbed in the Vacuum of Nu. His law is Thelema; his servants obey only because his word is wisdom. (Enough of this Because! The King shall rule without Reason! Then only can the Nation be set aright.)

Liber 718, Chapter 1: Ra-Hoor-Khuit

  1. Those who resist my order, those who insist upon clinging to their falsehood: them thou must destroy. Yea! Them and their children and their children’s children! This blight, this poison of soul, must be sucked out of the body of Man. Think not on mercy or pity, for while I am a God of Love, I equally express my love as hate and anger: Let not an ideal keep thee from feeling honest emotion. If thou art wrathful — act upon that wrath! If thou love, be sure thou hidest it not out of fear. What is fear? My servants know it not.
  2. I am the God enthroned in Ra’s seat. I am Spirit and Will conjoined. Know that as Ra Hoor Khuit I am powerful to destroy and to build. As Hoor-pa-Kraat I do none of these things, for I am absorbed deep within myself, nigh unto the abode of Nu. Know that Had is my seed, becoming solar in his extension, yet NOT in his contraction. There is no God but God. There is no God.
  3. Know also that my island is my temple: most especially a particular House. Het. This is most needful, that my war-engine is of the magical kind, that the Blood of the Moon is its fuel and the priest’s Osiris is its motor. Thou mayest find thee an actual island if thou desirest, it doth not matter, but it behooves you to find out this Engine of War, perform my rituals with strength and beauty, and never to neglect the other type of battle as well. We shall be victorious; my stélé shall be placed within thy secret temple; the original writing of the Book of the Law shall be rediscovered after years of loss; the Temple of the East shall verily become the Great Western Catholic Church. (That land in the East shall give thee trouble, yet only to establish my glory in the end.)

Liber 718, Chapter 1: Ra-Hoor-Khuit

  1. Let my soldiers be civilians; they shall own lands and houses; they shall have servants and luscious harems. Thus they shall fight to protect what they love; my armies shall not be idle. Let the King be Commander in Chief, and let him also be High Priest, for my armies and my worshippers are of the same stock. The Nation shall fall naturally into a system of castes, but refuse not one who was born a slave when he hath shown he is King. And if one be born of the Kings, yet is a dog through and through, let him be cast out into the midst of his own spiritual peers. Heed not this talk of Democracy, of a People’s Republic! These are a sham and a failure; these are not the Way of the Tao. It is Nature’s Way that there shall be the superior and the inferior. The Kings and the slaves, the Gods and the dogs. Let not the dogs rule their masters! Let not the unspiritual pretend to the authority and power of my worship. Verily, all men and women are stars, but a dog is a different matter. Seek not to make a dog into a man. He is merely a planet, whose only existence and joy is to serve his star. Now, a fool is of two types: he who is a Star, yet has not realized his Kingship, and going full circle, the King who has merged his Hadit-nature into the Sea of the Lady. He is Zero, as is the uninitiate, but after a different manner.
  2. Know also that the Kings rise and set within their bodies as do the stars; the dogs merely die: indeed, they barely live! Their kas may remain in the realm of the dead for a time and a half, but they shall never return to earth, and they shall not ascend into Heaven. Jesus shall not receive his lambs save in illusion, but the Kings abhor the realm of the dead and its lifeless Lord. Magick of old time was concerned with the communication and resurrection of the defunct ka. Let this not again become fashionable.
  3. My weekly worship shall begin the morning of my day before my nemyss has arisen. The first section of my poem shall be spoken aloud by all who have congregated within my temple. They shall face east, in the direction of my golden image. My Incense shall be burned before me, then the sacred orgy shall begin. All shall take part, yet only those women consecrated to my service through the appearance of the red tincture. The Secret Word shall be collected on my wafer and partaken of by all. This is my engine, and during the copulation my poem shall be sung in the Egyptian language as has not been done for an age and more! The chant shall continue during the consumption of my body and blood, and henceforth the remaining verses of my poem shall be spoken aloud in English by all my worshippers.

Liber 718, Chapter 1: Ra-Hoor-Khuit

  1. This shall be so adjusted that at this point my resplendent body shall arise in the East. With cries of joy and exaltation, my beasts shall be slaughtered, and their blood shall be lapped up by thee in thine ecstasy. All this must be done in purity and grandeur. Thou shalt use the richest materials in the building of my temples, and all shall be consecrated in my name.
  2. There is a prana in the living blood: that of the Sun, and that of the Moon. There is a power in the juices of Asar, and no less than of Ast in her travail of orgasm. Know this moreover, my children: there is an elixir in the living flesh, and all fresh foods are more healthful than the preserved. Thou shalt fall upon the enemy, and in the ecstasy of battle thou shalt eat the freshly-killed eye, the brain, or the heart. Think not that such sacrifice be gross; all my servants have done so. Remember the rituals of the Aztec and Inca, and whence they were inspired! Yet I will not have all of this with thee. The eating of the flesh shall be observed only in battle; the other substances suffice for other purposes.
  3. After this sacrifice, the feast shall ensue, and remember that this is but a skeleton; thou shalt clothe it with living flesh. The cattle shall be roasted and the tables shall be heaped high with foodstuffs of every shape, kind, and persuasion. My rituals shall not be dull affairs; all shall be fed; all shall partake of the joy of brotherhood. Let music be played! And let it not be the sick and slovenly hymns of the unlaudable churches of yesteryear! Let my music be loud and free! Let there be dancing and abandonment! There will be drinking of wine and taking of drugs. All shall participate.

Liber 718, Chapter 1: Ra-Hoor-Khuit

  1. And let this ever be unto Nu, my mother and bride. The other deities shall be worshiped on their own days: once a week: and they too must be invoked in the knowledge of Nu. The Goddess is behind all phenomenal deities and her aid shall compel all gods and goddesses to visit thee in thy bodily temple. The exorcism of spirits and elementals shall be performed according to the movements of relevant planets and in a temple especially set aside for that purpose. Let each deity have his own house. All are limbs of my body; Satan is secret. The knowledge of Hadit and Nuit is reserved for the initiate.
  2. Let the dogs have their own place of worship. Thou shalt give them my image and, indeed, they shall feast. Yet the knowledge of the Elixir is reserved for my servants. Let not the insincere contribute their blood; the God shall not dwell therein. Thus we have worship and worship, grade and grade. Let not the inferior feign superiority!
  3. No one shall be forced to come to temple, and the Kings may serve whatsoever gods they will. All are Satan’s shadows. All gods are the extension of Man. As for the State, so for the Church: There is no Law beyond do what thou Wilt.
  4. Come now! all ye who are mine! Be upon the infidels; let them not live another day.
  5. The slaves shall remain slaves, but only at their own natures.
  6. The dogs shall be rendered powerless. The Kings shall reign. This is my worship! That my beetles shall be the end of the ritual of my war-engine, and when the names have been pronounced and the creeping things slain upon mine altar, thou shalt go forth into the day to render me service in every department of life.

Liber 718, Chapter 1: Ra-Hoor-Khuit

  1. Heed me well! My Chapter is no longer a mystery! This is the secret of my worship, as with all gods: that the presence of my ka within the priests and priestesses utterly transforms the grosser universe about them.
  2. Think of me as the heart, the soul of the cosmos. This god here is my right arm; this goddess here is my mouth; all deities are real; all may be invoked, for they are simply myself in my many aspects.
  3. The duties of the Kings, the order and functions of the government, the freedom of the slaves, all this shall be pronounced in subsequent Chapters.
  4. Come now, o scribe, and take thy rest. I shall summon thee at the appropriate time.


O, ye fools! Your time is nigh at hand!
Let my word be spread throughout the land!
As wildfire I shall rip and roar
As eagles shall my servants soar!
Come now! Come now! All ye Kings
Heed the word of the God who sings!


Book of Codes – Liber 718
Chapter 2 – Ahathoor ❯❯❯

Book of the Law – Liber 220
❮❮❮ Chapter 3 – Ra-Hoor-Khuit