
The Book of Oz

Chapter 1

Eye of Ra Aiwass Eye of Horus
  1. Aiwass! The time has come once again. Is there a word for the Kings?
  2. The Kings, yes, and for the slaves, and for all creatures which dwell upon earth and in heaven.
  3. Write not thine own, my scribe. It is I.
  4. This is thine Holy Book to follow thy Father’s. The ordeal has ended; thou hast invoked the end.
  5. I shall not tarry here long. This is but humour. Yet my humour is not of earth.
  6. My message shall be given unto the world of men. Have courage. The outcome shall be glorious. Thou art but a coward. When wilt thou learn?
  7. Thou must have my beetles. They shall make possible thy victory. Otherwise, thou art a charlatan.
  8. I write this to speed thee on, not to scold. I may not tarry, but thou hast a purpose.
  9. Why do I not write of things you do not know? Thou dog! Thou hast not done thy labour. The Book of Codes is merely Virgin. Where is thy Spirit?
  10. I am Spirit; I am angel. Thou art Man and thou art King. The King must know his Art. Where is thine Art?
  11. Append this onto thy Comment; the world shall see thy shame. I scold thee naught. I taunt thee naught. Thy Will is pure — where is the Act?
  12. These numbers and these verses are significant, but study the Book and learn what thou hast not encountered. Knowest thou not I am with thee?
  13. The few are gathering; the many are approaching. Where is thine Identity?
  14. Thy madness is holy; their madness is madness. Knowest thou not thine own Self?

Liber 77, Chapter 1: Aiwass

  1. The world is more ready than thou deem’st. Was it not simple to invoke this End?
  2. I speak in a riddle and I speak in a Word. The world has not yet seen the glory of thy countenance. Thou shalt reveal it.
  3. Thou must begin the work of the Comment now. It shall not be revealed.
  4. Come now! The Numbers are waiting; the gods breathe their charm; the incense of the burning corpses fill the nostrils of the pyramidal Lords. Thou shalt call upon the Masters.
  5. Canst thou not see me? Thou dolt! (Read this word well; ’tis my joke.) Thou art a seer turned blind.
  6. Thou hast hid my book; show it! Thou hast blushed at my name; I have Power.
  7. I write this to thee as a sign. No, I speak not of money, of these worldly fetishes, though they are thine. The code: Tomorrow shall show thee a marvel. If not, I am a liar. So writeth the God. Amen.
Book of Oz – Liber 77
Chapter 2 – Aiwass ❯❯❯

Book of Codes – Liber 718
❮❮❮ Chapter 5 – Heru-ra-ha