There is more to be given unto the Earth. Write what I tell thee. The levers in thy mind have been opened by Babalon.
- Here do I speak of the things thou knowest not. Thou hast doubted for thou hast been wise.
- The temple is of scarlet and black, the colours of mine horns. Adorn the altar with gold. Recite this incantation.
- Ma hua wa na ma
Ipsa sela na ma wa
Hipsa bela te wo me
Randa gula de no ba.
- Thou shalt find the antient significance hereof. ’Tis a charm of great power.
- I shall keep thee for the night. Thou art not tired. Write! for here is a word for the Queens! Drink! For therein is the Sun! Smoke! For therein is the Moon! I serve the silent child.
- This is the meaning of “Prophet” — the word — though it shall bring you more. I wish to scold thee, but I may not. I have given you everything — where is thy Will? “You” or “thou” — what does it matter?
- This is the test of true writing, that it be truth that reason may interpret. Yet reason ruleth not, and the Law of the opposites — called by moralists the Law of Karma — does not have Power. Reason hath no reason to exist.
- I wish to scold thee, but I may not. Write! For these words are holy. For why? Thou shalt know.
- The wings of the vulture are pleading their cause, and the ghost of Rhiannon is riding the night. This is aright.
- Invoke the Law and it shall be well; become the Law and Hell shall bequeath thee Her secrets.
- Atlantis hath fallen; the world doth bemoan it. Its pillars of Truth have become thy sanctuary, though covered with cobwebs and filth; they shall teach thee. Broken, they lie there, but Time flows both onward, backward, and the Temple rises, runelike, out of Time’s death quicksand.