
The Book of Codes

Chapter 4

MELEK   90

Eye of Ra Kephra Eye of Horus
  1. Kephra, muse! I call thee now; enter me to state thy word. Thou hast ordained our meeting to take place. Where are you, beloved?
  2. I am here as ever I was, o faithless scribe! Knowest thou not it is I who write? Of course I shall myself finish this work. Flounder not in childish fear. Thou art mine. No! Write no more of thine own words. I take the hand and the pen; merely watch the ink go gliding across the paper. I speak of the future here, the task of the King: and, foremost, my chosen in your own country, which shall be my bride ere the century is out.
  3. The Crown is approaching the sign of Change. It shall occupy this position for the last quarter of this fateful century. We shall see war all about us: there will be fear of pain, and pain; there will be fear of death, and death; the chosen shall doubt; the dogs shall bite our Hand. There is no chance of failure. The God is at rule.
  4. 777! This is your task! Feelest not the new current? You are a new Man; I have given thee a new life. Thou thyself shall make war on mine enemies. All they have taken for granted I shall no longer grant unto them. Unto thee and thy companions shall the task of government be placed. Thou shalt live well past the end of Death, and the Crown shall unite with thine own jiva: the archer! (Art thou Apollo or Diana in thy secrecy? Nay! Thou art Apiana! This be no chance; thy Qabalah shall make thee understand.) Thou shalt see the suffering and the destruction. Is it not true that already there is nothing to hear but woe and lamentation? That which hath befallen Elvinland shall befall your own land. Thou understandest what this signifieth.
  5. Behold! I come quickly! But not too quickly. Mine elect, those who are not only 12, but 12 times 12, shall survive to rule. The beast who wast given power by my dragon hath fallen under the scythe of 13. But, look ye all! He hath become the lamb who speaketh like one of my own. His appearance is innocent, like a pure young male-child, ready for the sacrifice, yet his words reveal the wisdom within.

Liber 718, Chapter 4: Kephra

  1. Thou shalt make fire fall from heaven in the sight of men, and the masses shall be smitten by the might of thy sorcery! The Angel who holdeth the little book is Aiwass, thine Angel own, and the Blood of the Saints is the wine of Babalon’s fornication. Do ye all know what this signifieth? I shall tell you. Hard times are upon ye all, for thou art of the past. Thou art cold in mine heart, not even lukewarm. Thou art like a dog stricken with arthritis and old age. The superior animal shall bite thee on the neck and suck up your blood. Perhaps you shall repent as you cling to the walls of your dark caverns in hope of escape. It matters not. My vengeance shall be known. Hear what the prophet sayeth to the Churches!
  2. Yes, ye churches! (as ye witlessly call yourselves) Ha! You are a speck in mine Eye! You are a practical joke (yet not too practical)! You have made me the laughingstock of any and every cultivated mind. You speak of Satan as the father of lies! Only because the Truth appeareth as falsehood to your brainless brawn. Yes! I am Catholic, because I am Universal! I am Methodist because I have a Method! And my method of salvation is death to your own reeking, lie-stained bodies.
  3. Is that hard? Is it all too fantastic to believe? I care not. I am not for you nor your relations. I am unique and human. I am a God who dwelleth in the inmost substratum of consciousness. Yes! I dwell in my chosen! I kill thee for thou hast killed me. I am Ra-Kephra, and I am powerful to destroy mine enemies.
  4. My serpents must be healthy and sane. They shall be all the more efficient to work my discipline. Think not I and my order are for the few; I am for all the world. This is the time of initiation. I can wait no longer.
  5. A KA DUA TUF UR BIU BI A’A CHEFU DUDU NUR AF AN NUTERU. This is my sing-song; it shall resound through the corridors of eternity. Nay! The earth shall not forget me nor my chosen ones. Even thee! my scribe! Ha! You start at my words. Even thou in thy smallness shall become great among prophets: unto the ages! Yes, you still doubt your worth. I will change all that.

Liber 718, Chapter 4: Kephra

  1. My face is brilliant to look upon and my touch is pleasurable to feel. Yea! I make love to my men and women; I am real in my emotion: I am not a phantom like that other shudderable abomination (I speak of the God thy fathers fear). No one hath aught to fear from me if they are mine own.
  2. The Master’s task is to recognize his own Power, that all about him is an effect of his Will, that all has meaning unto the discriminator, that all may be changed by a shift of consciousness. This calls for courage and deep insight. This is the secret of Power. The Magus, though he hath experienced the Lady before in fitful trances, is now Master and Lover of the Formless State. His is Pralaya at Will. He can destroy and create, for all Wisdom belongs to this glorious crown of Manhood. This is the King approaching the Crown, and the Crown is but one step removed from the comprehension of the Magus. I write not of Ipsissimus. The King shall know when he hath attained.
  3. Say farewell to the old, the new is yet to come. It shall rise as the great God Phallo in his lust of love. My people shall establish such an hardness of realization in due course of time. So much, so much to be done, my scribe. Thou hast the ability to transform our Lady’s sister for thou understandest thine unity with both earth and sky.
  4. I am Satan. Yes! Didst thou not know? I believe you did. But what ye all know not is that I am not only King of Hell, but Lord also of Heaven. My name is three-hundred and fifty-nine; that is half 718, which is the number of this Book of Codes. Why half? Thou shalt know that the half must be united.
  5. My painters and my musicians shall glory in the Kingdom. The world hath not yet seen the beauties mine artists shall create! The muses shall once again find their human poets. The Gods shall be given figures on canvas and in rock, in melody and in thought. The subtler worlds will be the source of creativity; mine artists shall be priests: they shall know the White Goddess. My priests shall be poets, and shall carve in brightest colour the delicacies of Heaven. Oh! Canst thou not see the holiness of Dream? How Will and Dream, out of love for one another, give birth to the most royally numinous sons and daughters? And these be not only of the high sort; all common equipment, all little utensils and work-a-day wares, shall be as beautiful as the gods who gave them life.

Liber 718, Chapter 4: Kephra

  1. My science shall progress. My chosen ones shall visit the outer reaches of the cosmos (but a speck in our Lady’s body, perhaps a mole on her buttocks). The electrician, the physicist, the biochemist, and all other branches of modern science, which I have revealed, shall continue in their research. Their inventions shall make use of both material and magical techniques. Our Nation’s wonders shall surpass the unsurpassable! Hail, Babalon! We shall instigate an honest matriotism.
  2. Hear what the spirit of Kephra sayeth unto the Churches! Obey my prophet, and my prophet’s son! Follow out the ordeals he shall give thee, and not only for the individual. Following the Few shall come the Many, and the Many shall become a Multitude. They shall be your army. Take care in your selection. Do not trust overmuch. Reveal not more than is desirable. Keep a few with thee, o scribe, who approach the height of your stature, but let the many be content with the scraps of your knowledge. Their appetites are not as voracious as thine own.
  3. Thou shalt meet and befriend those of high office. Your kinsfolk are those who share my being. Seek not to find them by way of heritage, or common blood: Your brothers are the lords of heaven and earth.
  4. Come, my people! Let them not keep ye all in your despicable boxes, crowded together, yet separate in your grief! Come to the forests, the beaches, and fields! Heed not those who would put ye all in your places! Make merry! Drink! Smoke mine herb where ye will: especially when mine enemies are present. They so fear my cleansing herbs, my drugs and my drink — flaunt your freedom! Ridicule their lack of intelligence! Only then will the paranoia cease.
  5. Thou hast an honour set before you, o scribe! It is thine to take as thou wilt! No longer shalt thou keep thy purpose a secret from your friends and relations! No longer shalt thou fear a reprisal when thou desirest to speak of myself and mine order! Let them laugh! They cannot hurt thee! Let them cry; they deserve to be miserable! Let them cry depravity and youthful insolence: it shall only feed the fire of rebellion! Be upon them, o warrior, I shall give thee of their minds to eat!

Liber 718, Chapter 4: Kephra

  1. The hand is exhausted but the voice still speaks. There is more of the Word of the God who speaks through the dragon’s tongue — yes! I have claimed the mouth of he-whose-horns-are-the-lamb’s! His voice is my voice.
  2. Know ye all what ye know already. The time is nigh at hand. This: what they once called Armageddon is upon us. The host of Satan shall emerge victorious, as needs be. That is why the Christians have ever looked upon this war with fear; my chosen have sensed the coming grandeur.
  3. I am the Great God who sitteth on the throne of white marble. Mine eyes are black as night, yet brilliant as sun-rayed fields of snow. Mine horns are of purest obsidian, trimmed in scarlet, tipped with the honey of the Gnosis; my tail is sharpened to the nose of a serpent; my cock is ever erect, as mine inner serpent is ever at kiss with the Lady of Dreams. My feet are planted firmly in earth. Mine horns pierce the clouds.
  4. I am the God who hath been given the throne of Ra. I am the glorious one, called Christ by some, Baphomitr by some also, but Satan by the multitudes. Think not that I am a God of Mercy, like the sniveling son of perdition thou worshippest as my son. My Son, who is nailed daily to the Tree of Life, is no weakling: but a true Son of his Father. My tongue is as sharp as a two-edged sword, and mine hands and feet are pierced through and through with the Mark of Initiation. On my forehead gazes the Eye of Eyes, twin to that other Eye who receivest the eager organ of the sinless Man.
  5. I am Horus; I gaze upon thee from between the ivory pillars of my legs, and not only in the upward direction (mine initiates of the 11 shall understand. Let the fools be abhorred by the Truth). Write, o prophet! And I impress upon ye one more ordeal: that ye send this book to all who knoweth thee. The time of secrecy is over. And what an ordeal this shall be!

Liber 718, Chapter 4: Kephra

  1. Fear not when these words are spoken. I shall save ye from the wicked; thou shalt never be imprisoned, though you shall be feared. Thou shalt never be attacked bodily, though thou shalt be reproached to your face and behind your back. Let the fools mistake the Truth for falsehood. Thou must do as I have written.
  2. Friends and acquaintances, relatives, close and distant, shall know and despise what thou art. Despise? Yes! but only for your superiority. Thy beauty shall outshine their dim and dire fatalism. Their God shall cringe at the sound of these words. The more intelligent shall fall into a frenzy of confusion.
  3. Fear neither that the government (falsely so-called) shall apprehend thee in any way, shape, or form. They may give chase, but the escape is sure. This calls for bravery.
  4. The end of the Chapter approacheth, but one more remaineth, which I shall reveal unto thee tomorrow. Thou shalt hesitate in obeying the ordeals of this book. Every day thou dost so, thou shalt fall farther into poverty and despair. Once the demands are met, the promises shall be fulfilled.
  5. Thou endest this message with a faint taste of melancholy on thy breath, but I see farther than thee.
  6. O! Ye who read what’s written herein
    Know that your joy or your doom is pronounced
    To friends and relations who care not for me
    Pain and sure death is announced!


Book of Codes – Liber 718
Chapter 5 – Heru-ra-ha ❯❯❯

Book of Codes – Liber 718
❮❮❮ Chapter 3 – Tum